When I started writing here, I promised myself I'd write once a week. You see, I've tried (and failed at) blogging a few times now, and it's never worked. I get too lazy, forget to post, or get disillusioned when my posts don't generate the feedback I crave. This time I was hell-bent on making it work, so I set up automatic updates to compensate, and for awhile it was good. I thought I was safe, and in control, and finally on my way to responsible bloggerdom and then life happened.
For a start, finals kicked my butt. I had expected finals to be a bit of an obstacle, but I honestly was not prepared for the stress of finishing two majors, (which consists of 4 classes at the 300/400 level) in addition to the stress of graduate school preparation. I was also unprepared for the relative disorganization of History professors who are completely capable of "forgetting" the existence of finals, or 20 page essays. I worked the entire week before finals, and the entire week of finals up to the day before graduation. When all was said and done I turned in over 100 pages of material, while still managing to keep up my GPA and Magna Cum Laude. I'm still not sure how I managed it.